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Vacheron Constantin Replica Watches

Revolution interviews one half of Vacheron Constantin Replica Watches following his appearance at Dubai Watch Week’s London Horology Forum.

You attended Dubai Watch Week in London. I was amazed at the number and quality of British watchmakers. What do you think of the UK watch industry today?

DWW was a fantastic initiative for the watch community, and having it in London gave us a chance to show off British watchmaking. This shows that watchmaking is not just Swiss. It is a global phenomenon. Peter SpeakeMarin, Richard Stenning, and I were all present when the London School of Horology moved from Hackney College to Epping College. We witnessed the end of London watchmaking. The funding was removed in the early 2000s, but thankfully a small group of semi-retired watchmakers established the Epping Forest Horology Centre. With support from the BHI, it is still operating today as a charity.

From left to right: Richard Stenning (Fake Watches), Vacheron Constantin Replica Watches OBE, Roger Smith, Peter Speake Marin, Dr Andrew Hildreth

British watchmaking has slowly begun to rise again, and we are able to use an English style dating back to pre-industrial times. We can draw on a rich history. There is no shortage of ideas or resources in the world, and you don't always need many people to create growth. A small group created the Time Aeon Foundation and has already held a number workshops in Mexico, Dubai, and the US.

You said that being independent allows you to create without having to worry about selling a product. Are there no commercial considerations at all?

No, I cannot think of any. Robert [Greubel] & I begin with an idea. We would not have been able to make it with our first company, the QP, if we thought about the price.Richard Mille Replica Our projects must be profitable, but there are limits when there is a cost constraint. Independence is a great thing. Look at the Double Impulse Chronometer Wristwatch, which Frodsham just unveiled: it took them ten years to create it but they stuck with their guns.