Sculptures:   WoodBronzeClayPaperMarble
Paintings:   WaterOilAcrylicOther
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Rosemary M Aldrich

Address:                24389 Oakwood Park Road

                                St. Michaels, MD 21663


Telephone:               (410) 714-1302

Professional Field:       Sculptor and Painter

Career Summary: 

Rosemary Aldrich is an accomplished multimedia artist, with 42 years experience, primarily in sculpture and painting.  Educated in Canada, the US and Europe, she has lived and worked around the world.   Rosemary started her career as a public health nurse with an interest in art.  She became a professional artist in 1970.  She joined Artist Equity in Washington, DC in 1972 and became editor of its newsletter in 1974.  She has since won several awards for her work, exhibited in several countries, and is represented in many private collections.  Rosemary has been visiting St. Croix since 1986 and became a part time resident in 1988.  Her work on the island has emphasized the local landscape and culture.

One Person Shows:

May 1972                             St. Joseph’s College, Emmitsburg, MD   

Nov. 1973                            Alexandria City Hall, Alexandria, VA

July 1975                              Washington Project for the Arts, Washington, DC

May 1983                             Oudewaal, The Hague, Netherlands

January 1984                      Galerie Artishock, Rijswijk, Netherlands

January 1985                      American Women’s Club (AWC Gallery) The Hague, Netherlands

December 1985                Open Studio, The Hague, Netherlands

January 1987                      Galerie 27, Wassenaar, Netherlands

January 1989                      Roeland Grafiek Galerie, Scheveningen, Netherlands

November 1990                AWC Gallery, The Hague Netherlands

December 1990                 Sociaal Economische Raad “SER”, The Hague Netherlands

May 1992                             AWC Gallery, The Hague Netherlands

November 1993                AWC Gallery, The Hague Netherlands

November 1995                AWC Gallery, The Hague Netherlands

November 1996                AWC Gallery, The Hague Netherlands

June 1998                            AWC Gallery, The Hague Netherlands

May 1999                             AWC Gallery, The Hague Netherlands

May 1999                             Clover Foundation, Denton, Maryland

November 1999                AWC Gallery, The Hague Netherlands

November 2000                AWC Gallery, The Hague Netherlands

November 2002                AWC Gallery, The Hague Netherlands

March 2005                         AWC Gallery, The Hague Netherlands

November 2007                AWC Gallery, The Hague Netherlands

November 2010                AWC Gallery, The Hague Netherlands

November 2011                AWC Gallery, The Hague Netherlands


Group Shows:


            1972                           Art Barn, Washington, DC            

            1973                           Textile Museum, Washington, DC           

            1974                           Art Barn, Washington, DC

            1974                           Montgomery College, Rockville, MD                      

            1975                           Athaneum (award), Alexandria, VA        

            1975                           Art League  (award), Alexandria, VA


            1975                           Textile Museum, Washington, DC

            1976                           Art Barn, Washington, DC

            1976                           Art League  (award), Alexandria, VA

            1976                           Athaneum (7th Annual Juried Show), Alexandria, VA

            1976                           Towson State College, Towson, MD  (Washington Artist’s Equity Show)

            1977                           Art Barn, Washington, DC

            1977                           Gallery V, Washington,DC

            1977                           Washington Project for the Arts (WPA), Washington, DC

            1977                           Art Barn, Washington, DC

            1980                           Art Barn, International Sculpture Conference

            1982                           Babylon Gallery, The Hague, Netherlands

            1986                           Stichting Museum, Rijswijk, Netherlands

            1998                           Clover Foundation, St. Michaels, MD

            1999                           Target Gallery, Alexandria, VA  

            1999                           Clover Foundation, Denton, MD

            2005                           Moko Jumbie Show, St. Croix, USVI

            2006                           Academy of the Arts, Easton, MD

            2007                           Academy of the Arts, Easton, MD

            2007                           AWC Gallery, The Hague, Netherlands

            2008                           Tilghman Island Inn, Tilghman Island, MD


Prizes/Honors Received:


                                1975                       Athaneum, Alexandria, VA

                                1975                       Art League, Alexandria, VA

                                1976                       Art League, Alexandria, VA




Membership Professional Societies:


                            1974-1975                Artist’s Equity Association

                                                                Editor: Washington Artist’s News

                            1974-1975                National Society of Arts and Letters

                                                                Co-Chairman of Sculpture Competition Committee

                            1983-1988                Chairman, Council of the Arts, American Women’s Club

                                                                The Hague, Netherlands

                            1988 – 2002             Gallery Director, American Women’s Club, The Hague, Netherlands



                            1954 – 1958             Nursing (BSC), University of Toronto

                            1964 – 1965             Sculpture, Atelier Maugin, Paris, France

                            1967                           Sculpture, American University, Washington, DC                              

                            1968-1970                Sculpture and Design, Corcoran School of Art, Washington, DC

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Sculptures:   WoodBronzeClayPaperMarble
Paintings:   WaterOilAcrylicOther