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Audemars Piguet Replica Watches

It's really exciting. Richard and I met for the first time in Rio at the 2016 Olympics. He told me he had seen the finals, and that he liked my jumps. He also said that I was elegant. He asked me then if I wanted to join the Audemars Piguet Replica Watches Team.

Do you have a passion for watches?

Absolutely! I love watches. I had a small watch collection, and although I did not yet own a Audemars Piguet Replica Watches I was on my way. This was the watch that I would buy for myself when my career reached its desired level.

Audemars Piguet Replica Watches is a master at spotting exceptional talent early on in a career. What did he see in you that stood out?

It's my way of interacting with people, not just the way I leap. They are my biggest supporters and they motivate me. I want them to be happy and to receive something in return. Richard must have seen this because when we met in Paris, a few months after Rio he said that he liked the personality I had. He said at Audemars Piguet Replica Watches the outside relationships with the people that the company aligns itself with are extremely important.

He truly believes that the family business model is key to success, and that clients are best treated as friends. And he noticed that my attitude mirrored that of his. I want to leap and do my best.Bell & Ross Replica Watches I want to do something that no one has ever done before and this comes with responsibility. I don't wish to disappoint my supporters, but also realize that I cannot party all day and my training must come first.

2016 Rio Olympics - Men's High Jump Victory Ceremony - Olympic Stadium - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 17/08/2016. Mutaz Barshim, Qatar, poses with his medal. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido

How do you focus on the race when there are so many people around?

Just try to stay cool. My coach helps me to keep my feet on the ground. I enjoy meeting people and travelling. He reminds me to focus and to ignore the excitement that is around me. I am very attentive to his advice and we have a great relationship.